The Full Armor of God - Session 1

2 years ago

Edited from a ByteShow podcast, Pastor Doug Riggs gives an in depth deep-dive into what Christian spiritual warfare is, and how we as the church are to be equipped and enabled to fight not only demons, but principalities and powers who are against the church attaining to its calling and destiny in Christ.
Why are we saved? Is it fire insurance to keep us from an eternity in hell? Is it so we can go to heaven and live happily ever after? Why aren’t we told about an inheritance offered to every born-again believer that must be taken by warfare? We are given the free gift of eternal life, but the inheritance requires conquest. This means WAR – and the warfare we are called to requires us to dispossess a very formidable enemy, the rulers, powers, world forces of this darkness, spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places, spheres and dimensions. ‘The kingdom of God is taken by storm! Violent men seize it for themselves!’ (a paraphrase from the original – Matthew 11:12).
There are many misconceptions and interpretations that are cleared up in Session 1. What is the real meaning of ‘adoption’? Are we individually called to put on the full armor of God? What is ‘praying in the Spirit’? What is the difference between demons and fallen angels? What is the ‘mystery’ the Apostle Paul revealed? What is God’s ‘eternal purpose’? What are ‘the heavenlies’? Are all Christians supposed to be fighting a spiritual war? Why do we need to be a part of a local church? Can’t we just fellowship using YouTube, Facebook, Zoom, etc.? What does it mean that we wrestle against principalities and powers? Aren’t all Christians going to rule and reign with Christ? Isn’t the church going to be delivered before bad things start happening? What is the ‘evil day’ we will be going through? Are aliens from other planets? Are UFOs from other planets? Who are the aliens? What is the helmet of salvation?

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