How to Talk to an Alien - Nancy Du Tertre - Documented Contact - Latest Intel

8 years ago

Self coined The Skeptical Psychicâ„¢. Nancy advocates a new approach to psychic ability that combines intuitive imaging with rational feedback. She calsl this "TSP" - a form of tested ESP and clairvoyance.

I am going to read an excerpt from Nancys website

"What is TSP?"

It is a concept of combining our intuition with our inner vision in order to access information about ourselves and our world that would otherwise remain invisible and matched against our verifiable reality. You don't need to believe. You just need to trust. Call it "suspended disbelief" if you like! There is a link between our minds and the world around us which is vaster and richer than we could have ever imagined. Our human organism is a finely tuned instrument which is capable of things beyond our wildest dreams. But this kind of information must be distinguished from pure fantasy. It must be verified.

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