How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us. . . . (Michael Pollan)

2 years ago

No politics today. Rather, of psychedelic drugs, with particular emphasis on whether they reveal hidden knowledge and their relationship to religion.

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"I have led a boring life, at least as measured by the topics covered by this book, Michael Pollan’s 'How to Change Your Mind.' Not only have I never taken any psychedelic drug of any type, I have never taken any illegal drug at all. Similarly, I have never had any type of mystical experience whatsoever, though I am certainly open to such a thing and have total confidence that many other people have. Just not me. But here, as in many matters, others go where I have not tread. Pollan, famous mostly for books on food, decided to explore drug-induced alterations of consciousness, and this book is the measured result of his spelunking in the caverns of the mind." . . .

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