
8 years ago


Judy's website is

Almost 50 years of experience with ET’s, often times fully conscious of the events, Judy brings a new level of knowledge and understating with our Cosmic Family and through her books, interviews and website she is able to share her experiences and Universal wisdom.

Tonight we are going to dive into the realms of the paranormal, whats a typical experince is like when abducted, why they do it and what to expect in the future.

Maybe someone listening to this presentation has had an abudction or contact experience that they can’t explain.

With the Universe so vast and Enormous, mathmatecaly speaking it would be impossible to not have intelligent life on other planets.

With that said, there is much speculation about the ETs people make contact with here at home.

Some call them the Nephilm, Fallen Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Fragments of our own imagination, our Military with MK Ultra tech, blue beam, etc….

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Below are some notes and points of interest that were taken from the interview with Judy Carroll . Check out Judy's website @

Dual / Melded Soul of Consciousness

Those working with ET’s many have that right now

We are all Multidimensional Beings

Some grey know this and are vibrating at a higher level beyond physical realms

Zetas eat food in wafer from, like communion wafers

Food also comes in a paste form from a tube

God is a form used on Earth

ET”s use term Source , recognized throughout the Universe

God Energy is like the Superglue in the Universe that permeates every level of the Universe Omni Present and all knowing and all present

Millions of years ago an off planet race came to earth as creator beings

Controllers and took the planet over , hijacked the planet and interfered with the mammalians species, second genesis in comparison

When the Atom Bombs went off, it effected the entire solar system all the way into the galaxy.

The Universe is like a flowing river and whats happened to Earth its like its been caught in a stagnant pool and not able to evolve like the rest

Breaking control and bringing us free is Judys job

Psychotronics - Mind Control - Channeling - Etc…

Some Cloned Life Forms look like Greys to cause maximum fear MILABS creating distrust

Two hybrid programs going on right now

Greys, real cosmic scientists

Brain Implant

Detailed descriptions of abductions and what happens when you transport thru the portal into the ship.
Its light a light cleanse , before you go into the ship, healing and cleanse.

The Craft she spends her time on is like a Honeycomb, multiple rooms, etc…
Kitchen area, were food is prepared and sleeping quarters.

She enjoys the Greek Island Architecutre, White houses with narrow alleyways and

Everything is molded and white and rounded, no sharp angles, very good energy

Each room has a healing station in it, lying on the bed, it will mold itself to the body, the ships have consciousness . people become conduits thru the lifeforce that is used to power the ship. they were special clothes and shoes also.

The beds mold themselves into the shape of a body

Virtual reality chairs that can allow you to talk to anyone anywhere anytime and do anything you want for entertainment also. Its like the 3D glasses they use in cinemas, so when you tune into something you are right there, all the senses

People are succumbed to fear and not love.
Controllers create a fear mindset to the masses and that feeds the controllers like a perpetual cyclical fear based reality that effects the future, present and the past.

It is a free world planet

We are all light bodies -

Aboriginal Art - Depicted greys in pictures for hundreds of thousands of years

Palm Trees and Tropical Atmosphere on Home Planet Blue Grey Arcturians with 4 fingers

Emotions are expressed differently than humans in physical form

Council , Universal Governing Body

Grey seem to work in 3’s and we are all apart of oneness, we all share the same energy and life-force, we are all immortal souls, we are not just the physical body, we are a spirit experincing a physical life. Perceive things more deeply in a multidimensional way of thinking.

To understand a universe in terms of oneness
to understand the universe in terms of energy
choose love over fear

Positite will always beat negative

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