Meet your Guardian Angel - Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters - Spirit Coach, Christina Hill

8 years ago


-Christina Hill


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Below is a list of questions and notes taken during the podcast.

-What is a Spirit Coach

-Why did you decide to work with Spirits

-If you would please ,explain to our Listeners , in detail, how you communicate with those on the other side.

-Tell us about our Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides.

-How do you prove this is Real & Not just imagination?

-Athella = Is an acsended master = she published a book light streams ancient one.

-All humans capable of Healing with Spirit guides .

-When you have an experience with your spirit guide, there is no words that can describe with its certainty.

-Ever since her connection, its been like a channel.

First Time Clients - She goes in Completely blind - Stuff comes up in a session , that she wouldn’t know.

When you’re with your guide it is a pulsating feeling quality with something, similar to light.

Testimonials on her website.

Live sessions recorded on her YouTube Channel.

Did a session in German and she doesn’t speak German.

Love is Universal Language.

Athella can find physical issues and help heal.

Everyone has # 1 main guide and numerous others.

They don’t have ability to directly intervine, unless its special circumstances.

People have a Life Contract before they are born.

Guides have rules just like we do and allowed to go only so far.

The rest is up to us.

Stop, Listen and Create the space for them to be heard and we can be divinely guided.

Often times your gut instinct is connected with your spirit guides.

Ketzal Mayan influence Ancient One - Another Guide .

Most people have 3 - 7 guides surrounding them.

Each have names and stories.

Guides come and go as our life changes.

Must ask out loud in detail what you want to experience out of this life.

Session with RA a Sun God and Astute Guide notes below =

"Go outside and drink in the Suns light

Earth is Shifting & Changing , New Human on the Horizon , New Paradigm Shift , More awareness and conscious living

Truth is Recognized"

And more.

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