Activate Superhuman Consciousness & ESP Now - Mind Expansion Expert - Neil Slade

8 years ago


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-Brain Mechanics using the Dr Paul McGlean Human Brain Model.

-Breaking down the Brain into 3 Hemispheres

1.The Reptilian Brain

2.The Mammilian Brain

3.The Super Mammalian Brain

= What is each section of the brain for

Learn to Identify which part is most active and inactive

And Then you can turn it on

-Supercharge your Frontal Lobes

-Click forward your amygdala

Cutting Edge Techniques, Tools and Music you can use to Activate all hemispheres of the Brain at once and become Super Human

The brain has 200 billion Neurons and they can connect in different ways

Even with Todays Fastest Silicone Supercomputer running 93 quadrillion floating points per second, that pales in comparison to the average human brain that calculates 39 thousand quadrillion floating points per second.

Take the Human Brain and Add up all the possible connections, you have a number that is greater than all the grains of sand on earth all the stars that we know of in the Universe. "Almost too big to image."

The Human Brain is the Most Complex thing we know of in the Universe.

-Music For ESP

-Mass Consciousness Mind Experiments

-Subliminal Programming

-Goto for more information and a plethora of tools, information and practical applications you can use to FEED YOUR BRAIN and EXPAND your MIND.

-Subscribe to our YouTube channel Today.

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