HOMO DUD: Yuval Noah Harari

2 years ago

Share this with someone you love. What he is saying and why you should care. 1:35 Alien life on earth created in a lab 2:37 Three ways to achieve immortality 3:18 tiny machines in your cells and blood 3:36 the merger of biology and technology 3:55 Government can control you with algorithms 4:29 a virus is reverse transcription 6:03 humans replaced by an ideology called "data-ism" 7:11 with the new "techno-religions" you don't have to ask GOD for immortality 7:55 Google's subdivision "Calico" has a declared mission of defeating death 8:14 you don't owe a death to GOD it's just a technical problem 8:41 Scaring people is how it works 9:11 Artificial threats are created by world mis-leaders 9:24 COVID forces people to accept bio-metric surveillance 9:37 Surveillance under your skin. ******LINKS****** The Future of humankind 2014

Yuval Noah Harari Explains the Popularity of Covid Conspiracies

Workplace Automation and the “Useless Class”

Nationalism v. Globalism the New Political Divide 2017

Bananas in Heaven

Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari

Algorithms The New Rules for Human Interaction Yuval Noah Harari and Jonathan Haidt

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