I See Satan Fall Like Lightning (René Girard)

2 years ago

René Girard's exposition of the mechanisms of societal violence. Deeply insightful, and with potent lessons for the present moment.

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This and all Worthy House narrations are offered with accurate closed captions (not auto-generated).

"It has long been fashionable to regard Christianity as myth, no different in substance than many other ancient myths. Sometimes this is done to glibly dismiss Christ’s message; sometimes it is done in sorrow, viewing, as C. S. Lewis did before his conversion, Christianity as one of many lies, even if was “breathed through silver.” René Girard entirely rejects this idea, offering an anthropological, rather than spiritual, argument for Christianity being a true myth, and for the complete uniqueness of Christianity, as well for as its centrality to the human story. Girard’s appeal is that his framework explains the core of all human societies, and thus explains, at any moment, the present. Therefore, though he died in 2015, Girard says much about America in 2021." . . .

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