Warfare | Craig Minor US Air Force Lt Col | Poison in the Water at Wurtsmith Air Force Base | Civilian Casualties from Gov't Poisoning

2 years ago

Craig Minor is a retired US Air Force Lt. Col. stationed on Wurtsmith Air Force Base for many years. He is a B-52 aircraft commander and Wright Patterson Air Force Base NT-29A instructor Research pilot. He and his wife had their lives changed by living on this base. As a researcher, Craig
Craig is Mitchell Minor's dad and married to Carrie Minor (40-Years) as cast in the "No Defense" documentary (nodefensedoc.com). Co-author of "OVERWHELMED, A Civilian Casualty of Cold War Poison" (mitchellsmemoir.com).
OVERWHELMED is available on Amazon.com as an Audiobook, paperback, and Kindle.

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Mitchell’s Memoire - https://www.mitchellsmemoir.com/
Purchase the Book - https://a.co/d/6uacqgL
Watch the Documentary - https://www.mitchellsmemoir.com/documentary/

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