Aldebaran Myth

2 years ago

The Aldebaran Myth

The Aldebaran Myth is the alleged origin story behind the Thule Society, or the secret society behind the Third Reich. It is one of the earliest examples of the Alien God Ideology and the Mars Origin Myth.

This ideology stands out particularly because it specifically emphasizes beings from other planets as being primarily physical. Before that time "aliens" were considered primarily spiritual beings, or inter-dimensionals that could at times physically overlap with our world. We would have perhaps also called them Angels or Demons as well.

In classical esoterica, they were called 'beings from other spheres'. And, each star and sphere represented a developmental period of the earth and sun. Even the fixed stars outside of our solar system were other developmental schemes related to our own solar system. Thus we understood that while a being could manifest on the earth, or around the earth, there were specific laws and principals we could use to understand it. There was, and still is, a spiritual science to the cosmos.

Today we see the same phenomenon of the past labelled in a very different way. Often laden with heavy military and government information and terminology via the Ufology angle with very little actual esoteric substance. This is quite backwards for a topic that is fundamentally esoteric in nature, and illustrates how deeply we have sunk into scientific materialism. Clearly the most concerning issue with this materialist approach is that without the spiritual science behind contact, humanity will believe anything. They will base their understandings on only the most material manifestations, which is really the least important when it comes to analysis of this phenomenon.

Thus, this belief system, the alien god belief system, or the Aldebaran Myth perhaps marks a low point in humanity's development: the sinking into such an intense materialistic mindset that nothing else is considered. The point where all inter-dimensional phenomenon is seen only in its most material representations. Ultimately, everything and everyone becomes "alien" to us when we have this perspective.

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