Interview with Fred Gerdes - The John Woodard Show

2 years ago

Fred W. Gerdes is a retired Professional (chemical) Engineer, TX Registration #41641, now living in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife of 53 years, and two cats. He has taken Racaniello's course called Virology 2022, available on Youtube, and courses in cell biology and immune system signaling from MIT. He has a library of almost one hundred research studies on the immune response to the virus and the mechanisms by which Ivermectin blocks most of the immune damage it is intended to cause. He studies and researches other materials which may be effective in self treatments, such as hydrogen peroxide (see Dr Levy's book Rapid Viral Recovery), N-Acetyl Cysteine, chlorine dioxide. He has advised dozens of his readers who became infected with some unidentified virus during the plandemic, and continues to do so.

Fred Gerdes is a partner in the North Carolina Citizens for Constitutional Rights, LLC. They were formed to file lawsuits against the unlawful mandates of Governor Cooper and the NC Secretary of Health Mandy Cohen. They have found little success in the judicial process, which seems determined to support the leftist agenda. Thus the LLC will soon disband and Fred has shifted his interest to the study of the Constitution and the ugly story of how secret societies have continually moved the American Rebuplic away from its origins and towards a democracy controlled by two political parties controlled by big money. His current agenda is to educate the public to the basis and power of self government, as was in place before the Constitution was written.

Links of Interest

Federal Reserve Notes; Redemption:

True story about the fake 16th Amendment:

History of American Law:

Good source of Truth about Ivermectin:

Debunking the Tripledemic:

#TheJohnWoodardShow #JohnWoodard #RealAmericanNews #RAN #FredGerdes #Constitution #Plandemic

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