22 Deer Walk Under My Stand -looking four acres and the remnants of my pre-plot!!

2 years ago

I was hunting my best stand, which isn a small stand of oaks with about 100 square feel of lettuce and clover I planted in summer. The plot had long since been mowed down wby the deer, but they still sometimes swing by and nibble on what's left, and root around for acorsn, even though this was a bad year for acorns. The deer are obviously hungry and struggling to find food, with shellack of acorns Have a large 2 acre foot plot about 75 yards from this stand, but unfortunately I planted it too late, due to weather conditions out of my control (no rain),soothes usually head straight there On this day, a doe and her yearling fawn were munching around under me when I saw momma start staring down wind. Which was weird, since they usually stare up wind. She was clearly watching something.I thought maybe a coyote> Then all of a sudden,I see this string of deer making their way over. They just of thought there was a good food source there because within 2 minutes Had 22 deer under me. Two were young bucks. Two small 4 points, who were fun to watch. The does get grumpy and bitchy when in close proximity like this. They bite and kick and grunt at each other. Bucks did what young bucks do, try to impress the ladies but racking their antlers in low hanging branches, making little scraps like they have seen big bucks do.They sniffed the behinds of the does and chased them around, in the hope that, by se freak chance, one wild be reception and tel him have sex with her. ever happened. The doesONLY mate with mature bucks, like humans, The females want to pass their bloodline to the biggest strongest smartest, which means large mature bucks. Still it was fun to watch the little bucks. Was like watching a 14 year old boy in a strip club. He tried but the girls were like, no thanes kid. So funny. They all hung around for about 10 minutes and then started making their way towards my big plot, where there is some growth, but not nearly as much as I had hoped for. Still, l it is a food source and they all headed thereto eat. I have seen up to 15 deer swing by before, and on average I see 5-7 deer every evening, but I had never seen a herd of 22 deer just milling abut. They are true social creatures, and fun to watch when they have no idea you are there. I use extreme scent control tactics, from showering in scent free soap before every hunt, towering all scent free clothes washed with set free soap, to a $250 ScentLock cammo suit over everything. I spray down with scent killer, I even eat an apple as soon as I get there to cover my breath a little. It all works, obviously. I have very few deer bust me this year, when I years past they busted almost every bight. They just don't know I am there. I am also 35' feet up, much higher than I should be. I won't even get into the dangerous of climbing into my stand.One wrong move and it's a wheelchair for the rest of my life, best scam scenario. You just cannot make a sage mistake climbing in.

Anyway, I wanted to share this hunt with you. I hunt with a bow so mrs season is not over. But the odds of me harvesting a large mature buck are slim. Very slim. But not impossible. I have several large bucks using my property daily. They are extremely smart. I had two bucks come intron nights in a row, up wind, and I was able to grunt then. But itv was too dark to shoot so I had to hold back. The buck was so close I could hear him breathing! Maybe 20 yards away. But I couldn't determine if he was a mature buck, but used n his behavior I am 99% sure he was, He came right in and hit a scrape. When I grunted, he snortwheezed and stormed over from the scrape. Small bucks Don't snort wheeze and they arena;y bold enough to charge into a fight. If they do, they are big bad asses, and it happened literally exactly the same two bights in a row. The irony was, there was another buck just down wind, and when he saw big dog, he high talked it out of there. LOL Nice pun.

This is my life and I love being part of the ecosystem. I probably won't harvest a deer this year. I have neat from last year's bucking still in the freezers. I don't kill t kill. If I do the a large buck I will have it mounted, and give most of the meet t an old retired friend of mine who can use the meat. He is always very grateful when I give hi salmon and deer. I am content to just watch the deer. Believe it or not, this stand is only 2--00-250 yards as the crow flies from my backdoor. I designed the land and the stand in a way that would bring the deer to me, and I wouldn't have to intrude on bedding. I can sneak in silently, with the deer between 75-300 yards bedded, This helps. You don't want to crash through the woods to get in your stand. Not when you are hunting only 20 acres, I am very pleased with my results this year. I would never go hungry in an apocalypse. LOL Hunting is one of my greatest joys, and I wish more people wold get out and try it. Problem is, it requires getting off social media and TV, and getting into reality. And it is a VERY VERY HAARD ACTIVITY. Requires absolute concentration, patience, and skill. The average person, if you told them gorilla a deer with a bow they would hunt the rest of their lives and likely never even see a deer, let alone kill one at 20 yards. But you can learn and get better. I got luck on my first buck 4 years ago. But last year, I killed an 8 point on pure skill, first day I hunted a new property. I had to scout for 6 hours and wait for the right wind, Then I came ini saw the luck grunted it in and made a perfect kill shit at 30 yards. I am still learning, obviously. Some guys can get a big one every year. I'm not there yet. Maybe someday after I buy some more property, I will get there. For now,I are the best of what I got, and certainly cannot complain with the results. In tiger end, it is the experience I am after. Off social media, away from my computer, time alone with God and nature. Priceless!

I hope these vids inspire you to put the phone down and do something remarkable. Doesn't;t have to be hunting. That is MY thing. What is yours? Find it and get there. Maybe most a video and inspire the next man. Playbit forward. We are losing reality to virtual reality. People are firgettubg how cook ad excite reality is, so layout forward Go do something cool and kasha it nb FB IG, or wherever.God bless. Go enjoy life, If I get a buck, you'll know. Until then, days like this are my drug, I am so thankful to GOD that He has instilled in me the one for the outdoors, and I don't have a resentment towards anyone I just go live. We ask should.

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