Crystal Project 25: Fail Earth Summon, Beat Crag Demon + Troll

2 years ago

Here it is! We finally are going about finding bosses to conquer. The Earth Summon has about 40,000 HP, which puts it at 20k more than we're comfortably chewing through. So, we moved on... to beating up two bosses that annoyed us. We're just going to divide this video up in to three parts for the three bosses.

--- Time Stamps
00:00 Earth Summon
25:30 Practicing Crag Demon
1:31:33 Defeating Crag Demon and Clean Up
1:55:53 Troll Boss Start
2:03:45 Clean Up and Reset Party

--- Character Builds
Muriel: 17 Warrior; 9 Fencer; 8 Aegis; 5 Monk; 5 Ninja; 4 Valkyrie; 3 Samurai; 1 Beatsmith
Mastered Classes: Warrior, Fencer, Aegis, Ninja, Samurai, Valkyrie

Emikis: 16 Warlock; 8 Cleric; 8 Shaman; 5 Dervish; 5 Aegis; 3 Warrior; 3 Nomad; 1 Wizard; 1 Scholar; 1 Chemist 1 Monk
Mastered Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Shaman, Nomad, Dervish, Aegis

Zarron: 18 Monk; 9 Rogue; 8 Hunter; 5 Beatsmith; 4 Ninja; 3 Assassin; 2 Warrior; 3 Reaper
Mastered Classes: Monk, Rogue, Hunter, Beatsmith, Assassin, Ninja

Levels: 17 Wizard; 11 Shaman; 8 Warlock; 8 Scholar; 6 Dervish; 1 Reaper; 1 Summoner
Masterd Classes: Wizard, Warlock, Shaman, Dervish, Chemist

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