Stephanie Lloyd (Equilibrium) & Dr Ruth Bohill (Intentional Community) - Community Forum 21 November 2022 Pt1b

2 years ago

This is the continuation of the first half of the community meeting containing the talks fomr Equlibrium's Stephanie Lloyd and Dr Ruth Bohill on Intentional Community.

Stephanie Lloyd & The Equilibrium Community
Stephanie Lloyd discusses the Equilibrium community, ‘holding the line’ and some of the science around SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

Equilibrium is what happens when you are approached by a local GP and given a list of people who are frightened, alone and discriminated against due to their medical choices and someone rises to the challenge and begins a community for these people in need.
Stephanie is a lady of faith and saw community connection as a key response to what was happening around us all.

Equilibrium embodies truth in information, basic human freedom such as societal choices including those involving medical treatment choices.

Dr Ruth Bohill
Dr Ruth Bohill will talk about Intentional Communities, the importance of community and the resurgence of different styles of communities in these changing times.

Dr Bohill holds a double degree in Arts/Law with Honors from the Australian National University; is a solicitor of the Qld and NSW Supreme Court; and holds a PhD from Southern Cross University.
Dr Bohill has also worked for a number of government departments including Communities NSW (as it was in 2017), the Equal Opportunity Commission and the Office for Women here in South Australia.

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