LIVE: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell at Brookings: Economic outlook, inflation, labor market

2 years ago

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell: The economic outlook, inflation, and the labor market

Fed Chair Powell Live Speech From The Bookings Institute

The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates as it strives to deliver on its dual mandate of price stability and maximum sustainable employment. So far, the U.S. labor market has been impressively resilient; unemployment is at 3.7%, the lowest it has been in decades. But in several ways the impact of the pandemic on the labor market persists. Labor force participation is not yet fully back to pre-pandemic levels. While some employers are laying off workers, many others say they are finding it hard to hire. And work-from-home appears to be here to stay for many workers.

On November 30 at 1:30 p.m., Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will speak at the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy on the outlook for the economy, inflation, and the changing labor market. Following his remarks, Powell will be interviewed by David Wessel, director of the Hutchins Center, and will take questions from the audience.

Fair Use Educational/News Worthy Broadcast

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