The adorable puppy displays his prowess at catching fish

2 years ago

The adorable puppy displays his prowess at catching fish. | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
Rani, the American dog, has been curious about the fish swimming in the water and decided to take a closer look. He silently plunged into the aquarium and quickly took down the prey. The video of the adorable puppy has been garnering a large number of likes, shares, and comments from many animal lovers.

Rani, an American dog, has always been curious about the fish swimming around in lakes and ponds. So, when she saw an opportunity to study them up close, she took it! Rani plunged into the water and quickly swam towards the fish. She then remained still and observed them silently. After a while, she decided to take one down and swiftly bit into it. The fish squirmed and thrashed about, but Rani held on tightly. She then brought it up on shore where her uncle was waiting. He gripped the fish tightly despite its intense thrashing and eventually managed to calm it down. However, at the end of the film, Rani unintentionally caused the fish to return to the lake. She simply stood there and stared at it with her eyes, saying "I forgive you." But sadly, the fish didn't hear her. The video of this adorable puppy has since been posted on a number of social networking sites and has garnered a lot of likes, shares and comments from animal lovers all over the world. To subscribe and watch the most recent video, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube after watching. We are incredibly appreciative.

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The adorable puppy displays his prowess at catching fish.
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