We Freed this Baby Octopus from Plastic Cups Here’s Why You Should Too

2 years ago

We Freed this Baby Octopus from Plastic Cups. Here’s Why You Should Too. | Three Tea Trees

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The Octopus was the sole focus of Sigurdsson and his team. It had been building a house out of trash and the team wanted to save it. They nearly ran out of oxygen because they were so focused on the Octopus. In the end, they were successful in getting it to switch to a seashell.

There is never a day without headlines describing the invasion of trash in our natural world. Each tale inspires us to work harder to improve the existing pollution problem. More than 260,000 tons of plastic garbage are "floating" over the oceans, according to estimates by environmentalists, which puts the total amount of rubbish in the millions of billions of tons. A recent video surfaced on social media showed divers in Lembeh, Indonesia, attempting to persuade an octopus to switch from a plastic cup to a sizable seashell. The divers' tenacity has persuaded "Baby" to agree to a house change.An enthusiastic diving engineer from Iceland, Pall Sigurdsson, has been documenting his findings of this environmental disaster. In his underwater explorations, he enjoys filming the species he encounters. The team nearly ran out of oxygen because they focused on saving the Octopus. "I frequently encounter octopuses building a house out of trash. Animals with intelligence can utilize the resources of the environment. Garbage is a component of their existing environment. The Octopus, however, is unaware that the cup can rarely shield them in a hostile environment like the ocean. It's almost like getting the death penalty." The Octopus was the sole focus of Sigurdsson and his team's efforts as they believe that if this issue persists, many other sea creatures will be forced into similar situations where they will be put in danger because of human pollution and negligence. Please subscribe to our channel, Three Tea Trees, after watching to view the most recent video. We sincerely appreciate it.

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The Octopus Turns Plastic Cups Into Seashells: Ocean Cleanup Gone Fishin'
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We Freed this Baby Octopus from Plastic Cups. Here’s Why You Should Too.
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