L. A. Marzulli - Nephilim in Antartica, September 23rd & Fatima Connections

7 years ago

L. A. Marzulli - Nephilim in Antartica, September 23rd & Fatima Connections
*Excerpt from https://lamarzulli.wordpress.com / Fatima, Miracle of the Sun, or Harbinger of Deception - This “message” was sent to me by Bob Barber. We must ask ourselves some questions. What is the source of this so-called prophecy? Does it jibe with the Biblical narrative?

While I have no idea whether anything will happen on September 23, I do find it interesting. I’ve posted it below.

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What’s different with this Message to me, is the end of the 100 Year Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima on October 13th. You might remember me relating to you many years ago the conversation Pope Leo XIII heard after saying Mass on October 13, 1884. Here it is:

In 1884, after saying morning Mass on October 13th, 33 years to the day before the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Pope Leo XIII fell into some sort of trance during which he experienced a vision while kneeling in thanksgiving. During it he heard two voices, one of which he took to be that of Christ, gentle and kind, and the other that of Satan, Guttural and harsh. Satan said, “I could destroy Your Church if I had the time, and more power over those who give themselves over to the service.” And then Pope Leo heard Christ to answer, “You have the power, you have the time: 100 years.”

I really feel, as I have also read, that the 100 years began in 1917. That is why Our Blessed Mother appeared so urgently at Fatima to warn the world. If you have time, click on the following link.


Also Check out http://www.thewatchmanchronicles.com


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