Contacting the Ancient Ones & Opening a Portal in Space Time Continuum - Crowley, LAM & The Greys

7 years ago

Contacting the Ancient Ones & Opening a Portal in the Space Time Continuum
Aleister Crowley’s LAM & Little Grey Men
This is the Connection Linking the Swath of UFO Sightings that Started in 1947
"The year 1947 has an amazing correspondence in itself and that has to do with a major grid point that has been found to exist on different planets. It was discovered that Cydonia, the region of Mars that houses the face and the pyramids, rests at 19.47' from the equator. The same can be said for the whirling red spot on Jupiter and a similar area found on Neptune. On our planet Earth, pyramids are exact at 19.47' north of the equator on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. I have also been informed by someone who just recently visited the island of Hawaii that pyramids have been found there but are covered with jungle vegetation. They are at 19.47' north of the equator as well."

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