Is the Executive Order Declaring Jerusalem as Capitol of Israel Biblical?

6 years ago

Tonight's guest is Alexander from Israel, we ill be getting a perspective from someone that lives in the Middle East that served in the Israeli Military.
Discussing the perspective about Global Events that involve the Middle East, the United States, Russian, the Korean Peninsula and much of the World.

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

President Executive Order Declaring Jerusalem as the Capitol of the State of Israel and relocating the United States Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem

UN votes 128-9 to condemn US Embassy move to Jerusalem even after Haley's warning

The Multi Billion Dollar Saudi Weapons Deal

Presidential Executive Order Amending Executive Order 13223, allowing for about 1000 retired pilots to be reinstated for Military Service and nearly all other able retired military personnel.

Notice Regarding the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Iran

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