The Illuminati Plot to Enslave The World

2 years ago

In 1967 a patriotic American who was an influential Hollywood writer and director produced a three album recording in order to warn Americans about a diabolical plot that was hatched and being carried out by agents if the thirteen central banking families to gain control of the world and enslave humanity under the jackboot of a one-world government, which they alone would eventually control.
In this epic presentation, Fagan sets out the irrefutable historical facts showing how, step-by-step, this now more than 246 year-old plan had, up until then, played-out in world history. Either everything that had happened on the world stage over the 191 years prior to when this recording was made was a magical and fortuitous coincidence, or it was all the result of careful planning by the Thirteen Families and their agents who made their plans well known to everyone was willing to look at their wide open playbook.
Now that we're living through the end game of what these demons have often called their "World Revolutionary Movement," it's easy to see that, not only was Fagan was 100% correct in his learned analysis of history and the need to wake-up Americans to the truth of this threat posed, and still poses, to our nation and the world, we should also recognize the the need for mankind to ELIMINATE THE ILLUMINATI and stop this worldwide destruction of peace, prosperity, and freedom before it's too late.
Read the transcript while you listen...
See my essay on The Thirteen Families:

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