Debra Gets Red Pilled x The Great Silencing: THE GUN DEBATE | Episode 10

2 years ago

Debra Gets Red Pilled x The Great Silencing SWAPCAST | The Gun Debate | Episode 10

This was a conversation between myself and Adam and Debra from the Debra Gets Red Pilled Podcast, a show where Adam interviews his mother in law around various topics that they do not agree on. Today we got into it around guns, and a persons right to self defense, regardless of wtf the government says you can or can't do.

I shared my experience of why I believe owning and being proficient with a firearm is a necessity, Adam shares his experience as well, and Debra (his mother in law) comes from a different line of thinking, not knowing much about guns, but also feels like they should be restricted. It was an interesting conversation, emotional at times, and I think one of value that I hope you all get something out of. Training at tactical response, SHTF scenarios, preparedness and getting out of the cities/population dense areas are also among the topics here. Much love.

To find the Debra Gets Red Pilled Podcast:

All links to Tesstamona / The Great Silencing Podcast and MUSIC (New Hidden Comb Dagger Blade Knives are BACK IN STOCK in my merch store as well! Great NPE tools)

Hidden Comb Dagger Blades:

If you are interested in firearms or medical training from Tactical Response, visit for training courses near you. They train worldwide.

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