What You Fear Most, Is What You Need Most (5 MINUTE STORY + BONUS UNRELEASED SONG)

2 years ago

What happened when I performed a very DARK song at a festival (even when I was warned not to), a live performance clip, and leaked song preview of "EVERYONES FAVORITE PIECE OF TRASH" = somehow did this video in under 5 minutes.

Hope the lesson I learned here is helpful to someone. INSECURITIES ARE FKNG LIES. The saboteur in our minds is REAL, but it is NOT OUR VOICE. More matrix fuckshit that we have to untangle from. That one thing you deeply wish to work out but are so afraid of the risk that comes from taking the chance, thats the thing to do.

It was hard to fit everything into 5 minutes. (did this for other platform formatting that has restrictions.)
When you hear the full song you'll understand, but I literally wrote this song with a loaded gun a few feet away from me on my bed and recorded it there too. This song came to me at one of the darkest moments the human mind can have, was recorded in 20 minutes in a hotel room in Knoxville, and I didn't know if I was gonna put it out... so instead i just wound up performing it at the Self Reliance Festival and got shocked.

I don't have any songs out there about things like feeling suicidal, but that's a huge part of my story. Every time I've gotten that deep on a track and released it, I've immediately removed it from the internet, and now those songs are nowhere to be found, even for me. I promised myself I would never do that again.

"Everyone's Favorite Piece of Trash", whenever it comes out, is my redemption for hiding that truth. It's also how I was feeling not that long ago. It's a daily thing, finding our way to the light, and its an entirely different ballgame to remain in a level of grace, stability and flow. Still learning here, but getting better every day.

🌟 Hit me on socials or in the comments and LMK when you think I should drop Everyones Favorite Piece of Trash. Let me know what stood out to you in the amount that I leaked - do you relate like the people at SRF did?🌟

This is my second pass at going through the footage from that night. Trying to tell each tiny story separately. Some footage I can't use, and some I'm waiting on from the non-cell phone cameras that were set up in front of the stage, bc the quality's gonna be way fkng better!
Lots of unreleased shit for you guys and much more coming over the next few days.

✨ For links to all music, podcast, socials, discount deal on an EMP shield, (random I know, but I have an EMP Shield on my car and they're fkng amazing - so now im an affiliate 😆) can be found HERE: https://linktr.ee/tesstamona ✨

If you use the FOUNTAIN app for listening to podcasts, please find my podcast "The Great Silencing with Tesstamona" on there and lets link! Anyone who doesnt know what Fountain.FM is, its a Value4Value app where you can send and receive crypto to and from your favorite creators, if you call yourself an agorist and aint on there, youre slippin! 😘

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