🔴 LIVE - Snake Island Retreat; Finland & Sweden NATO | Combat Footage Live Review !app

2 years ago

At 6pm EST Funker News Network Host @RonnieFit discusses:
- #Funker530 Team Member to #Ukraine
- #Ukraine Combat War Footage
- #NATO Accepts #Finland / #Sweden
- #US Troop Deployments/Changes to Europe
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Footage Section 1:

Apartment building in Mikolayiv, Ukraine targeted with a cruise missile. Ukraine's Governor reported 6 civilian's killed and another 6 wounded. https://funker530.com/video/russian-missile-impacts-building-nikolaev/

Ukrainian's looting BMP under hostile fire break tow chain/bar: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainians-loot-russian-bmp-under-hostile-fire/

Please ignore the music. It adds no value to the video, but more evidence of UA using drones to assault behind enemy lines. Doing this with infantry would be considered, you might say, an Impossible Mission: https://funker530.com/video/azov-special-ops-drops-munition-on-russian-position/

Reportedly a UA farm being targeted for its concentration of Ammonium Nitrate: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-farm-destroyed-by-russian-airstrike/

92nd Mechanized Brigade hitting Russian logistics convoys. Critical area for Russia's north-eastern advance: https://funker530.com/video/russian-logistics-truck-hit-by-artillery-fire/

Russian Ammunition Depot in Luhansk being destroyed, probably by HIMARS. 50km southeast of Lysychansk/Severodonetsk area: https://funker530.com/video/russian-ammunition-depot-in-luhansk-destroyed

HIMARS GMLRS fragments found also in Luhansk (Perevalsk) 16km to the southwest: https://funker530.com/video/himars-fragments-found-deep-inside-russian-controlled-territory/

Closing in around them, Ukrainian troops retreating on foot under Russian Artillery in Lysychansk: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-troops-seen-retreating-on-foot-under-russian-artillery/

Top discussion - Snake Island Withdrawal
- Putin said it was a "Goodwill" gesture after they screamed outta there in two speedboats.
- This was immediately following what was reported as HIMARS and other precision strikes on the Island
- What "Goodwill"?
- Snake Island's location made it somewhat strategic for two reasons. 1. Enforcing the blockade on UA grain and 2. Close(r) proximity to Odesa (UA's last port)
- IF Russia's withdrawal was a goodwill gesture, they would cease the blockade. Lack of food supply causes Famine.
- Even though Russia can still use it's western Kherson and Crimea positions to enforce the blockade
Top Discussion 2 - Additional US Troops in Europe
- V corps in Poznan, Poland transition from rotational manning to permanent 235 troops
- Two Brigade HQ's in Germany for Air Defense and Engineers
- Two Battalions in Germany for combat sustainmnet and short range air-defense
- Italy gaining short-range air defense
- UNK Brigade Combat Team rotation to Romania

Fact Sheet: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3078056/fact-sheet-us-defense-contributions-to-europe/
Top Discussion 3 - Finland/Sweden Join NATO
- Turkey has backed off of their previous position not allowing Finland/Sweden to join due to a dispute over support to Kurdish groups, which Turkey classifies as terrorist organizations
- While we should support the west enabling Ukraine on its own soil to defeat Russia, further expansion of NATO to include Finland and Sweden adds 'triggers'
- Not to say it shouldn't be supported, but risk managed: heavier capabilities from the US/UK emplaced on the 800m border will be bad
- Each NATO country can be considered a 'trigger'
- Attack one, you attack all 30...now 32

Footage Section 2 (non-Ukraine):

Historical Korean war strafing against a T-34 (F9F Panther): https://funker530.com/video/korean-war-footage-shows-t-34-strafed-by-navy-f9f-panther

Rebel fighter (syria) using murder-hole nearly killed: https://funker530.com/video/rebel-fighter-using-murder-hole-nearly-gets-killed

NSFW: UA Sniper Engaging Russian patrol, which appears out for a leisurely walk - https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-ukrainian-sniper-engages-russian-patrol

Russian tank uses smoke generator to provide concealment. Possibly a T-90. https://funker530.com/video/russian-tank-uses-smoke-generator-to-conceal-itself-during-combat/

UA troops push through the impact area recording on their phones. Vehicle behind appears to be a 2S1 self-propelled howitzer. Possible counter-battery fire: https://funker530.com/video/troops-on-top-of-armor-record-as-they-push-through-russian-artillery/

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