Creation Without Women

2 years ago

The Alien God Ideology Destroys the Feminine Impulse and Mocks the Feminine Mysteries.

While it is possible humanity has been genetically tampered with in our distant past, that tampering is not responsible for the 'creation' of the human being. Nor does it properly allow for a genuine evolutionary impulse to be present in the form.

The evolutionary impulse in humanity is the Christ Impulse. This impulse can only be present when the male and female are equally involved. Thus the degradation of the feminine through these processes creates a form that is lacking a necessary aspect of consciousness.

In the Feminine Mysteries, Mother Mary is depicted as the weaver, or spinner. This is a reference to the Feminines spiritual power to weave a direct link with the Father, or Solar Logos.

In early temple cultures a large part of female initiation rites were to understand and purify this link. The link between the woman's womb and the Sun/'Father'. This practice creates the correct template for life and thus the evolutionary impulse for all humanity.

Ultimately, during that time, the highest level of this tradition was the capacity to pull in a highly advanced soul (a Spiritual Master) without an earthly father, through a miraculous conception' This would make a female initiate a queen or The High Priestess. The true role and concept of the queen, and royalty, can be seen in this rite and capacity.

The sacred act of creation is inverted when a male tries to take over, or mock, this role by trying to create life without the feminine. Including when male (mars) forces overwhelm the feminine/female to the point they attempt to remove themselves from the role.

As the Regressive Mars impulse has overshadowed our planet and consciousness, we have lost these mysteries. We are regressing. Thus it is the return of this stream that will create balance and a strong foundation for the next evolutionary phase of humanity. ☿️

This process must be safe guarded by men and women alike. To not do so is to destroy ones self and ones future. It is to betray ones self.

She has conquered the Moon
She is clothed in the Sun.
She is the Mother of all.

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