Podcast: The spirit of offense, and how we can break it once and for all...

2 years ago

Podcast: The spirit of offense, and how we can break it once and for all...

In this article, we will look at what a spirit of offense looks like in the Bible and in our lives. And how we can knock it out of our lives. So, let’s open our hearts to the Lord and learn from His Word…

I’ve been wanting to talk about the spirit of offense. It’s something that has been burning on my heart for a while.

I have noticed in the past several years how much offense has taken place in the church, relationships, politics, and notably the worst… social media.

I have experienced it firsthand. I know I have offended people and been offended. And there is a good chance you have to. Unless you live like a hermit in the mountains.

Listen to more about this on today's broadcast...

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