The Basis of BKP Politics

2 years ago

The basis of the program. It is unfortunate that the media doesn’t report the facts and allow the voter to make the decision. The media manipulate elections and they aren’t called out for it. The media pulls emotional stunts and brainwashing to manipulate elections.

Michelle Obama is campaigning for Warnock in robocalls.

Brian Kemp breaks down why Warnock should not be elected. Brian Kemp is doing all he can to get Herschel Walker elected. There may have been criticism that during the general election that Brian Kemp didn’t get behind Herschel Walker. But many candidates run in their “lane” during elections, and Brian Kemp did his best to stay in his lane during the election and beat Stacey Abrams. There are others doing all they can to get Herschel elected. The Mega Maga Bus Tour will be in Fannin County tomorrow at the Senior Center to draw out support to elect Herschel Walker.

It is important that Herschel Walker become the 50 vote in the Senate. If he is not we will not have the opportunity to push back on judges or any of the other things that need to be pushed back on. Election day is next Tuesday. 51-49 gives them control over rules, rule changes and committees.

They have tried everything to attack Herschel Walker. WE know he has a home in TX. Professional athletes have homes in the areas they played ball in. But he is from GA and his heart is in GA. He wants to be the next Senator of GA. The Daily Beast releases an article to say that only recently did Herschel claim GA as his residence.

The media is FCC regulated, the TV networks and radio stations. When they manipulate our elections something needs to be done about it.

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