Preachers Led the Way for Independence Episode 9 Patriotic VBS 2021 3rd Day

2 years ago

In this episode of our annual Patriotic VBS we are continuing to look at the Preachers who united the Colonist on the idea of independence for religious freedom which was the stepping stone to the War of independence so we can thank the preachers who preached the truth of God's Word because without them we would not the America we have known. Our last night of the VBS program we re-enacted the first battle of the Revolutionary War that took place in Lexington, Massachusetts. It happened on church property led by Preacher Jonas Clark.

We finish off the week with a fireworks display which is our tradition at Forest Hills Baptist Church of Hartsville, SC Our VBS Program is designed for the whole family to learn about American History because good Christians will produce good Patritots

Time Stamps:
0:00 Opening Rally
1:55 Epic Rendition of The Star Spangled Banner by Dinesh De'Souza
2:07 Three pledges
5:02 Penny March
8:47 Memory Verse practice and review
10:35 Main Skit "The Shot The Was Heard Around the World"
32:10 Preacher's wrap up of opening rally
33:41 Adult Class Lesson on Shubal Sterns
1:01:14 Pastor's Final Wrap Up
1:03:3:21 Final Song with Fireworks Display "I'm Proud to Be An American"

The Costumed Character's Scripts were written by Debra Carmona based on historical records

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