E268 - How to Find Your Way Through the Clutter with Connie Ellefson

2 years ago

Do you ever look around at all the “stuff” that you have and wonder, where the hell it all came from? Over the course of the past 15 years, we’ve made 4 major moves, and each time we’ve decluttered in one way or another. In fact, one of the moves we made, was with just our clothes and a few personal items. Yet, somehow only 4 years later despite promising myself that I wouldn’t let it happen, a once empty 1800 sq. ft townhome was full and needed to be dealt with because there was no way we were going to move it.

Along with living our busy lives comes all the stuff that goes along with it. But sometimes that stuff clutters our minds and creates feelings of overwhelm.

Today I’m joined by Connie Ellefson, a Decluttering expert and author of Clear the Space... Feel the Rush, Declutter Body, Mind, and Stuff To Reclaim Energy, Freedom, and Fun.

We chat about:

Why it’s so hard to stay decluttered Why men and women see clutter differently And Connie also shares her 3 steps to decluttering any space (Here’s a hint, start small) Connect with Connie at clearthespace.com

To grab your copy of Your Journaling Journey search for it on Amazon or with these links:

Canada: https://amzn.to/3ACRHla

USA: https://amzn.to/3B0A28l

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