November 2022 Q&A - Sinistral Rifleman SPECIAL EDITION

2 years ago

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Come visit with Sinistral Rifleman for a very....uhm, special Q&A.

Karl's normal Q&A will be here in December, but we felt that this might be a nice change of pace, and hope you enjoy it.

11 minutes ago (edited)
1) 00:21 Captain Obvious - biggest challenge in day to day running of K E Arms
2) 01:37 G Man - hardest issue to diagnose with a rifle
3) 2:32 Odin - Land Nav / Comms / Medical components in matches
4) 3:32 Piston Man Bad - MCR KP15
5) 3:49 Dragon Bait - cheap, extruded / injection-molded free-float tube
6) 4:43 - guns that scare the shooter
7) 5:32 More Coasts Again - massive budget, choice of green firearm project
8) 6:17 - KP10 release date
9) 7:25 Wind Snow & Static - Aliens and Soldier in Blade Runner universe
10) 8:32 Caboose - favourite dinosaur to play a Batman villain
11) 8:57 Cake - hero
12) 9:28 Cake - favourite Euro
13) 9:24 Seredipitiously Sane - why lizards
14) 10:33 Nusch Ratchett - favourite episode of favourite SciFi series
15) 11:14 Captain Obvious - favourite well-endowed anime female
16) 11:48 Dan - favourite fantasy weapon
17) 12:19 Howard - dinosaurs with feathers
18) 12:50 Pierot - favourite cran flavour
19) 12:57 The Man - favourite Space Marine implant
20) 13:40 Ranger SXT - favourite restaurant when travelling
21) 14:07 Piston Man Bad - least favourite Warhammer 40K army
22) 14:22 Wintermute - favourite Shadowrun metatype
23) 14:40 Wintermute - favourite Taylor Swift song
24) 14:48 Cake - favourite anime
25) 15:33 Thadman - SciFi universe to live in
26) 15:51 Poon - Ray or Asica
27) 16: 23 Thadman - weebs or furries
28) 17:19 Bonny Bones - gnaw off which limb
29) 17:40 G Man - how to cook and eat a human
30) 18:01 Cali C - how to purge the unclean
31) 18:09 Ette - sideline of different plastic products
32) 18:33 Tomcat - choose to become right-handed, fast & agile or faster on spinners
33) 19:24 Gorgo - kit for peer-to-peer combat on the Moon
34) 20:51 Feral Joe - life as RoboCop or year as Godzilla
35) 21:20 Jelly Beb - concealed gun for Inquisitor
36) 21:54 Swiss Whistle Ear - horde of raccoons with only a KP15 receiver
37) 22:29 Seraph - Kaiju to raise from hatchling
38) 23:13 Gorgo - laser rifle, railgun or tesla cannon
39) 23:40 Tiger - Finnish Brutality
40) 24:03 Tactitubby - 1 T. rex vs 500 lions
41) 25:01 Caboose - How many Lucas Botkins in a fight
42) 25:49 Doot - guest you could throw farthest
43) 26:03 Johnny Osprey - furry convention
44) 26:39 Warcoze Again - Pacific Rim Jaeger copilot
45) 27:05 Warcoze Again - Sinistral Rifleman action movie director and cast
46) 27:30 Poon - testosterone
47) 27:59 Ette - Komod dragons operating an Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer
48) 28:31 Bane Enzee - 100 small Garand Thumb or 1 big Lucas Botkin
49) 29:01 Ovid - magical right-handedness
50) 29:13 Doot - team to infiltrate Disneyworld
51) 29:41 Stuka - love
52) 29:53 Gorbo - laser eyes or super strength
53) 30:23 Doctor Dumbass - fire a weapon out of a weapon
54) 30:34 Lindens B Johnson - science fiction best for mass issue to modern army
55) 31:16 Prof Decoy - nuke the Discord
56) 31:37 Mauser Dude - in the fridge
57) 31:47 MickedyMackedyMarkedy - vessel for Omnissiah
58) 32:40 Wintermute - win/loss ratio fighting geese
59) 32:55 Dan - are all women federal agents
60) 33:08 Tiger - snow
61) 33:22 Halliday - hug
62) 33:39 Morsozigain - non-firearms company sponsorship
63) 34:17 Wirral - No Nut November
64) 34:39 Lindens B Johnson - weakness of the flesh
65) 35:41 Russ In Mexico - cringiest real-life interaction with a fan

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