NASA Engineer, Next Carrington Event, Weakening Magnetosphere, Stellar Micronova, GSM, Greg Allison

6 years ago

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NASA Engineer - Greatest Threat to Life on Earth, Stellar Micronova, Greg Allison

Worm Hole Generator, Now Available to the Public

Greg Allison Facebook Page

Green Gregs YouTube Channel

Ancient Petroglyphs seem to hold keys to past cataclysms and point to Future Events of similar consequence.

Greg Allison a Rocket Builder and Contractor with NASA will share with us information about the greatest threats to life on earth as we know it.
What happens if the Sun goes Micronova? Do you feel this has happened in the past?
What happens if there is a Magnetic Pole Flip?

The World Is Headed for a Food Security Crisis. Here's How We Can Avert It

Earths Magnetic Field Could Flip In Our Lifetime

Earth's Magnetic Field Can Reverse Poles Ridiculously Quickly, Study Suggests

The Magnetic Field Is Shifting. The Poles May Flip. This Could Get Bad.

LeakCon 2019, Get Your Tickets Now, They Will Be Sold Out, Long Before The Event

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