Shack Scribbles #12 feat. James Krake

2 years ago

We Back at it again, and this time with a guest that hasn't been on for a while.
James Krake the Scifi author or the books, Faceless, Ship of Fuls and his newest work Infinite Money Glitch!
The latter of which is today's topic!
Also, if time allows, we'll talk about our separate opinions on Cyberpunk Edgerunners!
Hope you enjoy the show!

Check James out on twitter or amazon

👋 After an immense amount of procrastination (on both sides), @Bezek in his infinite virtue has finally bullied Trym (me) into committing to a stream for once.
I am finally here to try my hand on the noble (don't laugh) art of streaming.
Hope to entertain and have a chat with anyone willing to stay for it.
Best regards,

💲 If you'd like to support me or perhaps have a specific suggestion you'd like me to consider tipping me at

💲 If you want to commission me to doodle you something, you can either DM me on discord or follow this link right here.

💲You can also support me and grab some awesome kit by buying merch at

🎵 Music by @Tim de Man - Game Music & the lovely boys over at @The Stoa Group:

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