Every bit of pain I experience is so that I can skateboard.

2 years ago

I don't think people see me for who I am. or what I do.

I experienced a severe traumatic brain injury, and recovered. and I just can't leave my skateboard.

you can win as many trophies as you want. hey as many accolades you want to. that's fine. but the real measure of a man in my eyes, is what he's withstood without looking for glory or recognition. I've always been a broke skateboarder. and I love my life. I'm happy and I know who I am.

to me. these are the real riches. I've been healing my body my whole life, now I am healing my brain. I know I have to step away from my skateboard, but honestly. would you step away from something you love?

I feel as if I've conquered death, and that every time I step back on my skateboard, I'm freeing myself from the most gripping limitations I've ever known.

a disability. the more I push the more I realize. it's an ability I've been given. nothing has been subtracted. everything has been given to me.

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