Dr Michael Masters, ET's Are Humans From The Future Studying Themselves, Time Travel Analysis

5 years ago

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Identified Flying Objects A Multidisciplinary Academic Approach to the UFO Phenomenon

Dr MIchael Masters received a B.A. in Anthropology and French in 2000 from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, and completed my Ph.D. at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio in 2009. I’ve taught biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeology, economic anthropology and globalization, sociology, and cultural diversity at The Ohio State University, Columbus State Community College, and The Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, Ohio before accepting an assistant professor position at Montana Tech.
My thesis research involved an investigation of modern human variation in orbital and overall craniofacial anatomy, as well as an examination of long-term trends of encephalization and reduced facial prognathism in hominins, and to what extent these morphological changes relate to variation in size, shape, and orientation of the eye orbit. Previous research also includes a study of health and socioeconomic status by way of anthropometric indicators from 19th and 20th century prison inmates in Ohio, and assisting in the investigation of demographic structure and foraging patterns of Howler Monkeys, Capuchins, and Spider monkeys at the Curu Wildlife Reserve in Costa Rica.
I have participated in archaeological excavations at a 3.5 million-year-old Australopithecus africanus site in Makapansgat cave, South Africa; an Upper & Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal site in Southern France, and have directed archaeological field schools at prehistoric bison kill, butcher and habitation sites in Southwest Montana.

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