Should the holiday season be longer?

2 years ago

Half of Americans said there’s not enough time in the holiday season to do everything they want to do (52%), according to new research.

A survey asked 2,000 U.S. adults about how they spend their time during the holiday season and found that 52% try to fit in as many festive activities as possible.

This may be why half of Americans also wish the holiday season lasted longer than it actually does (54%). While most of these respondents said up to two more weeks would suffice (59%), 41% wouldn’t mind if the holidays went on even longer.

According to respondents, it starts feeling like the holiday season in November (44%), but 35% said the early fall months, September and October, make them feel the excitement of the holidays.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Dutch Bros, the survey found that a third of those surveyed claim that they’re the most festive person they know and 74% said prepping for the holiday season puts them in a good mood.

But from last-minute shopping (44%) to wrapping presents (37%), the holidays can be a lot to keep up with, leaving 40% struggling to keep themselves energized during the season.

On average, people put 30 hours of work into holiday chores like planning, wrapping presents or shoveling snow.

Sixty-five percent agree that keeping up with the holiday season takes a lot of energy, and another 60% shared they’re busier during the holiday season than the rest of the year.

“The holidays are a fun but busy time, we know everyone wants to make the holidays special for their families and that can take a lot of energy," said Kristin Sha, senior director of product management at Dutch Bros. “Having holiday-themed drinks or ones that have holiday flavors are the best way to connect not only get into the festive spirit but also stay energized during the busy season.”

To get them through the holidays, half of Americans depend on caffeine (49%).
Seven in 10 try to treat themselves, even if to something small (71%), with three in five considering a nice warm cup of coffee as a nice pick-me-up during the holiday season (61%). A third of respondents opt for tea to warm them up, and another 30% need something that packs a bit more punch like an energy drink.

When it comes to their unique holiday traditions, Americans shared that they “wear costumes on Christmas morning,” put “a candle in a scoop of ice cream and whoever’s candle burns the longest opens the first present” or hide a “pickle on the tree and whoever finds it gets a special extra gift.”

Another respondent said their family eats “pizza on Christmas Eve” and another has “a group of friends gets together to create a holiday craft that we use as a gift for someone less fortunate.”

But even with those unique traditions, the results found that Americans haven’t abandoned the classics like eating/drinking their favorite holiday treats (72%), shopping for presents for loved ones (70%) or watching classic holiday movies (65%).

"Whether you love the hustle and bustle of the busy holiday season or still try to get in all the relaxing, the holidays are a time to enjoy taking a minute to enjoy a peppermint mocha or grab an energy drink on the run," said Sha.

-Eating/drinking holiday treats – 72%
-Shopping for presents for loved ones – 70%
-Watching seasonal movies – 65%
-Decorating the home – 61%
-Baking goods with loved ones – 53%

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