No, You Don't Actually Want a Civil War Part II: Electric Boogaloo

2 years ago

One frustrating tendency of the American Right is this arrogant conception that if no political solution were attainable and it somehow came to outright armed conflict in the US, they would win and win handily. This almost functions as a pressure valve, because instead of taking political action, Conservatives give it in their head that they don't need to try that hard politically. "If all else fails, I'll start shouting"-or so the thinking of the III Percenter types goes.

Yes, it is true that usually guerrilla forces win conflicts against an occupying force. However, the fail to bear in mind a few things:

- Guerrilla forces usually sustain casualties an order of magnitude larger than their adversaries. In Vietnam, the figure was, in many instances, about 100 to 1. These guerrillas were hard men, used to privation, discomfort, and struggle, as a part of their daily life. They were prepared to endure every pain and hardship. They were willing and prepared to die. Are you? Or are you a soft, decadent, western man-unable to cancel your Netflix subscription, let alone fight?

- The people are the Center of Gravity of any guerrilla force. You are not the VC or the Taliban. The people are by and large not on our side, given the radical demographic shift over the last 50 or so years. You are in the minority and would be trying to operate with no local support in most population centers.

-Most insurgencies are fighting expeditionary forces thousands of miles away from home, with little to lose or gain. All it takes is forcing the Imperial power expend enough money, time, and men for the conventional forces to leave due to lack of political willpower. Traditionally, insurgencies and separatist movements fail (like the IRA, American Confederacy, etc) because the threat to the Great Power is existential. They will stop at nothing to retain power.

-There exists no nearby friendly power for you to utilize as a safe haven. Al-Qaeda could retreat into Pakistan. The VC could retreat into Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam. This prevented the total annihilation of the conventional forces they possessed (which are needed to win an insurgency and be more than an annoyance). Who is going to give you safe haven? Canada? Mexico? Doubtful.

- Americans possess many small arms, but lack squad automatic weapons, AT weapons, MANPADs, and other materiel required to operate an effective insurgency against a Great Power. Sure, maybe a power like China, looking to destabilize the current hegemony would be willing to support an insurgent movement with the much needed materiel, but are they able? Can they slip past a NATO blockade? Can they infiltrate NATO airspace? Sure, some supplies would get through, but how much? Enough to sustain the fight? Europe doesn't even posses small arms in great numbers.

This list is obviously not all inclusive but it is meant to people to consider how difficult and terrible such an endeavor would be in an attempt to dissuade them from relying on that eventuality to fix all the problems we, as a people are experiencing. If I had to hazard a guess, long term, an insurgency would come out on top, but it would not be quick or easy and it would be costly. Most who would take up arms would likely die, or worse.

Stand up and advocate for our movement in a peaceful, yet forceful way today. Stop being cowards. Confront white hate. Confront moral decadence. Raise your children right. Grow food. Live within your means (single income household, wife raises and educates the kids). Etc. It's the better solution.

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