Appendicitis - Home Remedies & Health Coaching -

2 years ago

Watch the latest Arukah Wellness Webinar on how to heal and avoid appendicitis:

Right after Thanksgiving is the highest incidence of surgical removal of the appendix due to appendicisits. This is because this is a prime day for overeating foods that can cause constipation.

Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, sometimes resulting in rupture.

Modern medicine considers the appendix an unnecessary organ and routinely removes the appendix as treatment for appendicitis.

Science has shown that antibiotics can be an effective and safer alternative to the surgical removal of the appendix. If one does go this route, it is important to replenish the beneficial bacteria with fermented foods and/or probiotic supplements for good gut health since a healthy gut is important to the immune system.

Appendicitis can be seen as the final straw in a pattern of bad habits that cause constipation, impacted feces, and pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

To avoid appendicitis, it is important to have regular and complete bowel movements, as well as eating a healthy diet and practice proper food combining when eating.

Certain herbs and herbal combinations can be used to help fight constipation and appendicitis.

Sometimes, when someone gets appendicitis, the doctor will tell him that there is nothing they could have done to avoid appendicitis, it's just a natural part of life that some people will get this. They do not inform them that poor eating habits can contribute or trigger it. This is disappointing.

Doctors should be the guardians and teachers of holistic health and healing. Unfortunately, they are not trained to do so. Hippocrates said, "the greatest medicine of all is to teach people how NOT to need it". This is why exists - to empower people with the knowledge they need to be able to lead healthy, holistic lives, without the need for drugs, doctors, or avoidable surgery.

Watch the latest Arukah Wellness Webinar on how to heal and avoid appendicitis:

Learn how to heal yourself, your family, & your community, WITHOUT spending years on an expensive medical degree, and build a profitable, online health coaching business.

Enjoy your loved ones on Thanksgiving!

- Mayim

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