11/27/22 SSN The Political Pendulum E2 PII: Sold Out To Fight Another Day, History Repeating Itself?

1 year ago

Who Are These Powers and What Tools Have They Been Using To Take Away Our Freedoms
As The Political Pendulum Swings With A Hypnotic Effect
Left to Right, Right to Left, and Left to Right Again and Again until Freedom and Liberty Is Completely Eroded
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** let’s take a look at some of the issues being utilized that contradict our Freedoms and are more like the WW II German Model and Communist Models of Government
*These issues when you relate them to Pre WW II Germany and the extremes Germany went to during the war should be a wakeup call that has you asking are we being sold out from within, by who, and why

**Communist Chinese Model of Government!
*Control Of All Currency Like China
*Digital Health Certificates Passports
*Central Data Base
*Limiting Travel
*All like Communist China and Their Lockdowns Procedures
*The Next Pandemic? Define Pandemic!
*What was said in the 2022 World Government Segment China is doing Digital Currency and the USA is following and next will be the EU
*And then we top it off with how to fund all this Climate Change

**Let’s go back in History Again and look at China and the role it is playing in The entire quest for control
*WW II Germans molding History
*Germany quietly working with China while allies in war with Japan
*WW II Transforms the way business is done
*Destroy Smaller Businesses to promote larger Corporations and Centralized Banking for Control to be controlled by Intelligence Agencies
*Creation of slush funds for government intelligence agencies to promote tyranny CIA makes you wonder, who the CIA really are

**Klaus Schwab praises Communist China advancements over the past 40 years despite all the violations of human rights?
*The Chinese Communist Successful way of government, not for the Chinese People or the captures in the work camps
*US Big Business has no loyalty to Our Country
*Biden appoints Bloomberg to Pentagon Advisory Board because of the money he donates to the Democrat party
*Decouple from China
*China holds the U.S.A. hostage for vital goods!

**The Long Term Plan is put into action
*The U.S.A. Runs on Energy, why is Biden cutting it off
*Inflation, economic collapse
*Fossil Fuels,
*IRS enforcement at a time when Americans has less money and the government wants to take more
*Instead of focusing on issues in the last election, the Biden Administration attacks their opposition
*Bribes the unaware voters

*Fuel Supply Concerns and costs
*The Power Grid may not make it in the Northeast?
*Refineries in NJ and Nova Scotia are open, but Biden shut downs a refinery in ST. Croix
*Electric Rates up 60%
*U.S.A. pays reparations to Communist China a developing nation with a larger economy than ours
*We now live in a country run by people that hate us!

** Klaus at Harvard JFK School of Government and His Successful Plan of his Young Global Leaders which be brought to Harvard watch and listen closely
*Did you hear who he utilized the “Greater Good’ the term we have been warning about
*Did you notice how the interviewer was treating him like he was some type of Royalty?
*Did you hear the names he mentioned and how the audience reacted?
*To serve society! Is it working? PT III

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