Have We Lost Our Joy and are We Stuck? (Ep.10)

1 year ago

Have We Lost Our Joy and are We Stuck? (Ep.10)

You know when you get to feeling your life is just stuck and you just can’t seem
feel upbeat because you are just not feeling the enthusiasm for life? Or are you
someone that feels that this is it, life isn’t never going to get any better?
Are you so bogged down by the talk of the world? Being selective and then being
intentional is really important to your overall health. Feeling encouraged and
alive is much more than what foods you chose to take into your body, its about
all the things you chose to ta into your overall well being. You have found
times you just feel numb to many things, you feel tired, your semi-happy
emotions, your basic mediocre contentment level has finally learned to settle
for this speed. You wake up feeling a little more motivated and thinking just
maybe I can reach higher today, but all those thoughts are shot down before you
even really get your day started? All because someone said something that didn’t
set right with you or you turned on to hear all the negative news or something
came up against you to what you felt was setting the tone to how your day was
going to unfold. Those few times turn into more often times that you are just
going through the days not really feeling like you are ever going to get where
your heart once desired to be? You hope that reading a new motivational book or
try to find something to kick your inspiration into gear might help. Yes it very
well may, but then yet tomorrow you just are not as committed? Today let’s talk
about how to keep ourselves inspired to build on a foundation of happiness and

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Mon Aug 30 2021

Life, it's a Big Faith Journey

Encouraging stories and lessons to lead you to successful destinations along the
path of life. The power of your life is in your words and your thoughts, so
chose them well and give life by thinking and speaking them well of others too.
Be a life giver and a life changer. Let it begin in you. I'm speaking directly
to you regardless of who you are or how old you are, from my heart to yours. My
testimony in this life is faith. When I truly surrendered to God it began with
giving everything I had to him and it was no small task, it was all about having
really big faith, believing Him without a doubt. I had to believe Him for
everything. I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. As for me I want to
do something so big it's destine to fail without You Lord, something so great
it's gonna take a miracle to do. I want to be like Peter who walked on water! I
hear God saying "Diana, get out of the boat!" For me my faith is all or nothing!
By believing I have nothing to loose so I am all in. "The tongue has the power
of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs
18:21.Which words will you chose? The positive words of life or the negative
words of death? Those negative words that steal, kill and destroy life. The
power of your life is in your words, so speak them well and give life by
speaking them well of others too. Be an encourager.We must not be afraid when it
matters, when it means saving and changing lives we must speak boldly and
sometimes bluntly if we want to make a difference in this world. More often
times than not it takes courage and putting our vulnerability out there to save
a life or two or three. And when evangelist Eva Dooley touched my lips and
prophesied over me she said "You have been silent, but you will be silent no
more" that is exactly what she meant. She's right, I am silent no more. Praise
God! - Diana Hudgins

Diana Hudgins

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