Abductee Blows Whistle on Hybrid Program, Wes Roberts

2 years ago

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Wes Roberts Website https://wesgroberts.com
Wes is a long-term contract college professor, teaching computer applications, business writing, and transcription to his students. In addition, he is an author, writer, and virtual assistant. Mr. Roberts also has a company that offers app training, business, blogging, and social media content writing.

Mr. Roberts is active in the UFO/Experiencer communities, having co-hosted and periodically appeared as a guest on Lesley Mitchell-Clarke’s BlogTalkRadio show called Contact. Currently, Lesley and Wes conduct interviews for their YouTube-based Contact TV channel. Some of Wes’ abduction and experiencer accounts have appeared in Terror In The Night I – Alien Abduction Exposed!, the late Bob Mitchell’s What If?: Close Encounters of the Unusual Kind, in the book he co-wrote with Lesley Mitchell-Clarke called Intersections: A True Story of Extraterrestrial Contact, and in his latest book, An Experiencer’s Garden.

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