2 years ago

Manual switching control by switching crew. Routes must be planned, cars must be switched and car must be sorted based on paper/electronic switch list provided to the switching crew. Once switching and sorting activity is completed the switching crew must update the paper/electronic switch list to reflect the location of the sorted cars.

When utilizing ARS automated switch machines, ARS Pathfinder control system, along with any standard AEI site the Pathfinder Control System will use the information provided from AEI reader to generate reports of the number of cars switched and stored on a shift-to-shift basis . Train crews can line switch’s, set/block routes and manage switch list from a central location or area network.

In addition to capturing and reporting switched car counts, The Pathfinder Control System can use the information provided from AEI reader to identify car cuts that are pulled up to be switched, automate switch list entry/selection for the train crews, and provide yard inventory insights based on switch position and storage track entry confirmation.

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