Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 37: Spider-Man & Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do

2 years ago

In this lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, Bianca & I go over Kevin Smith's controversial Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do mini series. With sexy artwork by Terry & Rachel Dodson, this is a tale of two halves. The first half is some of the best comics I've read. The second half...some of the worst!

Felicia gets a call that one of her friends is missing (We the readers know off the bat she'd dead and thrown in the trash) and she is asked to come and search for her! When she arrives, she and Spidey run into each other on the same case (Spidey looking for the ones responsible for the death of a student) and sparks fly all over again! This has some VERY good banter between the two that show that, even if Felicia won't cross any lines with a married man, she will push it hard (Giggidy)

BUT after the third issue, Kevin would delay the next 3 for 3 years! And when he finally delivered them...they were not worth it! It went from crazy story about Spidey and Black Cat, to a tale about Rape that included a retcon to Felica's "Real" reasons for becoming a theif is so heavy handed and disgraceful! There is a reason this has been ignored.

Yeah this mini is...something else. What do you guys think? Lemme Know.

#KevinSmith #Spiderman #Blackcat

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