"Won't be Forgiven" - by "Globallistica"

2 years ago

Now that the serf management serum snake oil fake vax has been proven to be what many of us purebloods knew it was from the start of the plandemic, a soft-kill bioweapon and means of depopulation as well as a control system on the road to ever diminishing freedoms-human rights, now that the "sudden and mysterious" deaths are piling up, as well as the fact that their "vax" which the ruling class fake taking themselves, their toxin for the masses, proven to be absolutely worthless as an inoculation for "covid" (which is precisely what the peons, plebes, proles, and sheeple were told and lied to that it was, now that these lies have been exposed, some of the facilitators and compliant fools of this dastardly scheme are begging us purebloods and warriors for forgiveness and a "pandemic amnesty" as they call it. How shall I respond to that? Well with a resounding "fuck you" and a sarcastic "suck my dick" you vermin should be forced to "walk the plank" as it were, tried and executed for your crimes.


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