Nov 5 Rambling: Good health, climate change, amnesty

2 years ago

Another unscripted 37min ramble filmed on Sat, Nov 5th.

Talking points..

- To start off, "sick season" is coming.. we take a look at your natural alternatives to staying well:
• Vitamin C, D, K2, zinc
• dandelion, milk thistle, melatonin, quercetin, curcumin (turmeric, I put that stuff on everything!), iodine
• NOTE for the vitamins/minerals/supplements: you think you're doing good taking them.. make sure you know what's in them! Many contain titanium dioxide (also found in foods, body products.. & you guessed it, recent study, in your blue face masks), a known carcinogen, among other synthetic & questionable ingredients. Know your supplements!
• Fasting. Incredibly beneficial in maintaining good health.
• know where you can access the "I" word, "horse dewormer" (not sure if we're "allowed" to talk about this Noble Prize winning medicine or not yet)
• know how to make hydroxychloroquine, lemons & grapefruits.......... & if you're on medications that don't allow you to consume grapefruits, you might want to look into getting off those, it's one of our greatest health & wellness gifts, not that pill you're on
• sugars. Here we had Halloween, followed by Christmas & New Years & Valentines Day.... sugar sugar sugar.. we call it sick season.... should it moreso be sugar poisoning season? The stuffs not good for us on the day-to-day, but especially this time of year. I love sugars, don't get me wrong, but we gotta watch what we're eating in a day & a week.

- a "controversial" topic, climate change... something I never thought I'd overly touch on, but buddy on CBC had me fired up... I share 2 thoughts on the subject, I coulda easily shared more...
• thought 1: the lines in the skies. What is it they're spraying out of those planes? Independent studies have shown aluminum, barium, lead oxide, silver iodide, diatomite, among other things..... are they spraying us with sickness?.. recent papers say it's a possibility.
• a Customer brought up the lines in the skies, she was told they were pesticides, they're spraying the invasive bugs in the forest... 1. So why are they spraying alllll over town/city? 2. Even If it's for the invasive bugs, we're Still Spraying Chemicals in the air! Our waters are tainted with forever chemicals. Who's to say Just the "invasive" bugs are dying, All bugs are getting hit, all plant life, all the mice & the birds & the deer &&& us.
• what are we breathing in? They're not spraying beneficial stuff.
- GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides.. may as well be called humanicides.. We are degradating our lands, waters & air. We are poisoning ourselves & the World around us
• CBC man focused on India & Africa quick.. have you ever taken the time to look into over there? I've followed for years. Big money/chemical/agriculture has been decimating these people's & lands for years. Farmer suicide rates in India have been through the roof for years after losing farms for various big ag reasons (ex: "patented" garbage GMO seeds) &/or because their families have been injured by the chemical products.
• a Farmer friend in Vancouver was on deaths door a few years back. He & the family removed all toxins, went all natural, all organic.. you should see him today!
- between what all's being sprayed & applied to our Planet & zombie gross GMO seeds, it's irresponsible & wrong to call it climate change.. it's psychopath change, psychopath "elite" change.

- slowvid testing.. I touched upon the false positives & dangers of them in the last video but forgot oooone big important part...... the head games behind them. Who cares?!?!?! You wanna call it slowvid, a cold, the flu, whatever, who cares? When did we start "testing ourselves" to Know if we were sick? You feel well or you don't. You stay home from work/school if you're not well. Why do you "need" to "confirm" that you're sick??
• it is amusing when those "in power/influence/authority" test positive & share with us.. gives us a record of how absurd this all is. However many times boosted, used paxslovid, whole nine yards.. still "testing positive"...... does that sound like a product that works?

- Masks..... not Halloween ones. They're not beneficial. You're doing more harm than good. You're not supposed to breathe your own air. The pore sizes on your masks Aren't stopping anything "sick" from coming at you.
• feel free to make my shirt idea: "I don't mask because I follow the science. Scan me *insert barcode that when scanned takes you to the page with 160+ Peer Reviewed Studies that say masking is harmful & wrong.*

- Amnesty...
• media outlets asking for amnesty, they're asking us to forget how they've treated us through the plandemic as, they didn't know...
• I'm just your average Joe/Jill blow.. I knew, I've known, my first video was last September & I knew before then too.. you can't claim the "experts" didn't know
• Doctors, Experts, people have been censored & shut down.. people have known & have been speaking out
• "We didn't know...... however, we Did just hold 'Event 201' before the plandemic which perfectly outlined what to do/how to respond Should a plandemic arise".... "we planned it all to a T, but yeah, we had no idea & want amnesty now.."
• from Obama's Netflix series, "The G Word," 1 in 16 people in The US work for the Federal Government..... that's a lot of people, " Just following orders, just doing their job."

- a book once upon a time ago, maybe Napoleon Hill, maybe Jim Rohn.. anyways, this book called for new leaders in All aspects of life.. new leaders in politics, media, healthcare, education, Everything.. we are at the point where this is needed. New leaders are needed.
- life is a bunch of cycles, a bunch of ups & downs, good times followed by bad, by good.. there's learning, there's forgetting.. 100yrs is a long time, a long cycle to induce forgetting of culture & history.

- story from my Toronto trip: My parents are renting, there's a fella renting in the basement. Speaking with this 75 year old, he asked if I was jabbed.. I said no.. he was Floored! "You didn't Have to??" ", I didn't. None of us Had to. We All had a choice." *with the exception of Countries where they literally held you down & jabbed you*
- We are all people, all individuals, we all had & have choice.. we could have all said no.. we all need to start saying no!

- Sharing some alternative news & views sources:
- Daily News: On The Fringe with Dan Radiostyle & the X22 Report, found on Bitchute & Rumble (stop using YouTube)
- Plandemic informational resources (both filmed in Winter.. but yeah, amnesty, "they didn't know" anything until just the past couple weeks...):
• Senator Ron Johnson's, "Slowvid-19: A Second Opinion." 5hr36min of Doctors, Scientists & Experts telling us about the lies of the plandemic & the dangers of not only the shots, but also the dangers of the drugs & machines mandated for use in hospital had you ended up there
• Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury presentation Eight 4+/-hr days of expert testimony against what all we've been going through.
- Final two, backstories/histories/evidences behind how we got here today:
• The Fall of The Cabal. A Multi part series. All rather important, but especially episode 25 & a couple of the episodes before where they highlight medications & machines to be aware of should you end up in hospital.
- Cult of The Medics. Another multi part series, I believe part 9 is coming out soon. A way back history, hundreds-thousands of years look at how we got where we are today. Rulers, bloodlines, families.. religions, cults, organizations.. rituals.. all sorts of stuff you should know.

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