Why Machines Will Never Rule the World - With Dr Jobst Landgrebe and Professor Barry Smith

2 years ago

Church of England vicar Jamie Franklin sits down with eminent thinkers Jobst Landgrebe and Barry Smith to discuss the pair's recent book 'Why Machines Will Never Rule the World'. Contrary to the bombastic predictions of Elon Musk and Klaus Shwab, there will never come a day when human beings create an artificial intelligence that is equal or superior to themselves. We can all relax on that front because such an endeavour is a mathematical impossibility. In this conversation, we explore Landgrebe and Smith's argument in detail whilst touching on the true nature of human intelligence, free will, the extent to which emotion has a physical basis, demonic possession, mankind's need for religion even in a secular context and the definition and implication of complex systems for viruses and climate change. Strap yourselves in because this one goes deep.
Find Why Machines Will Never Rule the World here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Machines-Will-Never-Rule-World/dp/1032309938/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16DJLP2S1QFRJ&keywords=why+machines+will+never+rule+the+world&qid=1669729009&sprefix=why+machines+%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1
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