1016 The Sign of the Covenant

2 years ago

In this video we open with a surprise live performance of "Let it Be Healed" by Carmen. Reverend Catania continues his teaching series on the covenant. This teaching looks at the words translated "covenant" and translated "sign or token" in both the Greek and the Hebrew. The rainbow is associated with God's covenant with Noah and the earth. Circumcision is associated with Moses and Israel's covenant in the law administration. The silver cord was associated with a marriage covenant. Was there a sign associated with the New Covenant (or testament?) Check out the teaching.
For further information, you can visit the Chapter and Verse website at https://www.cvm.church

Carmen's music, present and continuing, is published and located on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZxETdJixNM6L07kUNTQZA (Carmen Tee Music).

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