Beautiful cats

2 years ago

Only for fun
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Caesar loves to play and hi favorite toy is the sparkly teaser wand. Whenever his owner forgets about play time, he would search for his favorite toy, grab it and drag it over to his owner’s feet, making a clear statement that she is falling behind on her obligation. How dare she?

It would seem that Caesar's owner had forgotten about play time yet again, so he does his same old ritual. Grabs the wand and starts dragging it along the living room floor to where his owner is resting, to remind her that, yet again, she forgot about play time. But when Caesar jumps on the ottoman to really stick it in her face, the handle of the wand catches on the furniture, causing the cat to lose control of his belongings and the toy falls on the ground.

Caesar looks down towards the endless abyss that took his toy, but instead of going after it, he turns to his owners and starts meowing very persuasively. “I brought it this far, pick it up" is what we could understand from all that. The woman giggles behind the camera, but the tom is not having it. Pick it up!

If this were another cat, all Caesar would have to do is shoot him an angry look and it would pick the toy up. But this is a human we’re talking about, and they are ignorant of a cat’s body language.

Cats are really cool! They are also cute, and they love to play! Owning a cat is a fantastic and rewarding experience. Time spent with cats is never wasted! Cats are really the silliest creatures ever! We can confirm that the range of incredible and amazing videos of cats, including this one! Don’t you just love them?

Have we told you how much we love cat videos?! What are we saying, we know you do too! Since the time that the internet has been around, cat videos have dominated it as they are just so funny and adorable!

Anything from cats playing, being naughty, to just watching them sleep, cat videos are the best way to unwind. Things have gone so far, that there are studies that claim watching cat videos at work helps reduce stress and boosts energy and positive emotions.

A cat video always boots our day and our energy, so watch this cute video and make your day filled with positive energy!
Thanks to all of you.

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