Ou. - Shake it off (Audio)

2 years ago

Well, I was going through something at the time of making this, but I still do... we all do.

Collectively, One experiences the ups and someone else the downs. Both are extremely valuable for growth, empathy and vulnerability.

But let's be honest, in this current world - wisdom and listening to your intuition, your heart, and your gut are totally absent in the daily life of many, and who is to blame really? Always on the edge of insanity, never stop doing, always engaged in some sort of activity, work, party, friends, drugs, sex, Netflix.

I mean, f*ck man, I can't even decide if I want to go outside in my extremely lost days or out of bed. But when I go into nature all the Bullshit evaporates just like hot steam when I piss at a Tree in winter... Exactly like that!

We are so disconnected from ourselves... so alienated from almost everything and everyone. Shallow relationships, where we never really tell what's deeply on our hearts, what trauma we hold on to, what we are afraid of.

How many people on the street, in daily life, had to say that they are unhappy and feel depressed and lonely, that they wish for help, warmth, empathy and love... probably more than 2

Now I remember why I named this track *shake it off* (not because I listen to Taylor Swift) - It's to Shake off the negative energy and not let it drag you down. (I do Qigong for that, otherwise, I would be F.*.C.K.D)
Ou. stands for Open up...
for every possibility, to be aware, accept, and enjoy life how it is. Right Now.

Open up your - Heart. Mind. Soul.


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