Row to Grow (read description)

2 years ago

I read the other day from an “IG exercise expert” that barbell rows aren’t as effective as machines since the tension isn’t “focused” enough on the target muscle.


These “experts” are always small. Well, usually…more often than not.

I’m all for targeting muscles. I use a ton of machines. I do the cool little tweaks with angles and hand placement.

But let’s be real, the biggest muscles more often than not are built by the basics - heavy ass compound lifts.

Sure, there are a lot of muscles involved, which is a great thing as well, but at the top contraction I still have 315lbs being squeezed and held by my back muscles.

That’s stimulation.

I’m not mad at the nerds at all, I am a nerd in many ways. But the meatheads have it right, pick up heavy ass weight and put it down. Repeat.

And grow.

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