Mystery Hole North Pole SSSR (REAL FOOTAGE)

2 years ago

Real footage from the crew in the Mir Station Dos-7 Core Module.

Feb. 19, 1986, the Soviet Union launched the Mir space station to view the anomaly.

In 1968, the American weather satellite ESSA-7 transmitted to the Earth strange images that put scientists in a deadlock. The pictures at the North pole clearly shows a huge hole round.

The authenticity of the pictures no doubt. But how to explain this phenomenon? Put forward several hypotheses. For example, skeptics believe that this is not a hole, and the play of light and shadow, the result of the tilt of the planet relative to the sun. But proponents of the theory of a Hollow Earth were convinced that the picture shows ESSA-7 shows the opened entrance to the cave.

In 1948 on Stalin’s orders was organized by the high-latitude air expedition “Sever-2” under the head of the nsra Alexander Kuznetsov. In its composition was Pavel Gordienko Pavel sen’ko, Mikhail Somov, Mikhail Ostracon and other explorers.

The expedition took place in an atmosphere of perfect secrecy. Messages about her in the media was not. The materials of the expedition were declassified only in 1956.

April 23, 1948, the expedition members flew in three planes from the island of Kotelny, taking the North pole. During the flight, an experienced polar explorers guarded species under the wing: too many open water, which is not typical for the high latitudes at this time of year.

At 16:44 Moscow time the aircraft landed on a large ice floe. It happened people, who became the first undisputed explorers of the North pole.

Descending from the ladder, members of the expedition looked around and was very surprised. The gloomy gray sky, not too cold. Weather – as the thaw during the winter in the Middle lane.

But for a long time to ponder this oddity was once: you have to break camp to set up tents to rest after a long trip, and then proceed to the observations.

However, the rest did not work. Life of polar explorers was saved by the fact that provident is left outside the guard noticed a crack that split the ice shell directly under the ski chassis of one of the planes. Sleep from the tents the alarm people watched in horror as the gaping black fissure is increasing in the eyes. It was bubbling a rapid stream of water, from which steam came.

A huge block of ice broke into pieces. People rushed away, caught by a mighty current. Lost in a swirling foggy haze Toros with a red flag, crowned conquered “point zero”. And around was created unimaginable.

Ice raced with incredible speed – then told Paul Senko, a specialist in the study of Earth’s magnetic field – as it can only be represented on the river in the ice. And continued this movement for more than a day!

First, the sextant showed that the ice floe with the expedition rapidly include to the South. But further measurements have shown that the direction of movement changes all the time. Finally, someone from the explorers guessed that they drift around the pole, describing circles with a diameter of about nine nautical miles.

Once past the ice floes floated a seal and even tried to get to her, but don’t let the speed of stream. Where it came from at the poles? Because seals only inhabit the borders of the Arctic circle.

Soon explorers with horror have seen that the radius described by the ice circles all the time is reduced. That is, the trajectory of motion is a centripetal spiral. The people would be sucked into a giant crater, centered at the North pole.

1999 SCICEX Science ICe EXercise USS Hawkbill

The scared sub

At the beginning of the XXI century marine geologist, Professor, University of Hawaii Margo Edwards, who led the work on creating a detailed map of the bottom of the Arctic ocean, managed to get access to the classified report from the archives of the U.S. Navy.

She learned that in the 70-ies of the last century, the American submarine mapped the seabed in the North pole. But to fulfill this task until the end of the submarine failed.

The crew was scared constant strong hum coming from the depths of the ocean. In addition, some mighty force had been trying to reject the submarine off course. It felt like she was sucked into a giant whirlpool. Not wanting to further tempt fate, the commander decided to leave the dangerous area.

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